Okta 250-A/6000A

Okta 250-A/500A/1000A/2000A/4000A/6000APfeiffer Adixen Vacuum is now offering a power pump solution for your low and medium vacuum pump applications in the Okta 250-A series roots booster blower pumps. Those pumps are primarily used in applications in the coating, semiconductor industry, research & development, metallurgy, chemistry or in process technologies. The Okta 250A series is the smallest roots pump offered in a wide selection of booster blowers by Pfeiffer Adixen OktaLine and has a 191 cfm (324 m3/h) pumping speed with a DN 63 ISO F inlet and outlet. It has a gear box and bearing area that is separated from the gas pumping chamber. Because the rotors operate contact free a much dryer operation is assured. Another advantage with the Pfeiffer Adixen Okta 250A is its air cooling, other pumps of this size may require water cooling, not so with the advanced technology of the Pfeiffer Adixen OktaLine Series of booster pumps. This saves in operating costs and possible breakdowns. Condition: New
Product Number: P105166
Price: $10,760.00
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